🌀 Your first day..week...month....

Take the time you need in your first weeks to browse resources, chat with other core contributors, and do the background reading that allows you to feel comfortable with the organisation and context. It's a lot to take in, but a worthwhile investment!

There's no prescriptive recipe for success in your first few months but the following hints and tips should get you feeling right at home in no time:

  • Take a look through the action items assigned to you in BambooHR, these will help you get familiarised and get access to essential tools.

  • Join the project Discords and download the Status app and ping in #general or #people-ops and say hello then drop into the #intros channel and tell us about yourself by posting an intro video. We're always excited when new core contributors join and we love to get to know you more.

Some great topics to cover are:

  • Who you are and where you are located
  • What excites you about IFT and our projects
  • What did you do prior to joining IFT
  • What are your passions/hobbies
  • Bonus points for fun facts about yourself

The video can be between 1-3 minutes max.

  • Chat with your project lead. They'll probably already have set some time to introduce you to what you will be working on and your project. Ask them about other folks that you should get to know in your first days.

  • Find your project, drop by their channel, and see what work is scoped out for you in your first few weeks.

  • Have a read through resources like this site, Discuss, Docs, Notion and Miro to get a feel for the latest happenings and key info.

  • Watch the latest all hands strategy call hosted by our Co-founder Jarrad.

  • Join your onboarding call with your People Partner to go over all your onboarding questions and ideas.

  • Join the new starter intro monthly calls hosted by IFT to meet other new core contributors to help build up your internal network

🤙 Getting to know your fellow core contributors...

It’s hard to get to know everyone straight away. Here are some helpful ways to connect with other core contributors:

  • Ask your project lead about who the important people are relevant to your work and connect with them
  • Schedule a 20 mins coffee break chat with everyone in your project!
  • Chat with someone who's also recently joined by checking out the #intro channel on the status app and connect with them. They will have recently gone through the onboarding process and may have some great hints and tips and shared experiences.
  • Ask your buddy about their experience so far: how do they describe IFT and our structure?
  • Check out the org chart in BambooHR. Bear in mind that we are a flat-ish organisation, so the BambooHR hierarchy might be arbitrary and probably doesn't represent the ways people cross-collaborate normally in day-to-day working but you'll get a feel of who's who.
  • Feel free to ping anyone at IFT to say hey and have a chat - we're an open bunch and enjoy getting to know our new fellow core contributors. Some project members may reach out to you to introduce themselves, too.

...and if you have any questions, ping your People Partner. They're more than happy to help you navigate through the chaos and welcome you with a virtual coffee!

🎉 Congrats - that's the settling in part done! Now relax, enjoy, and we'll see you again tomorrow 🙌🏻