🌏 Location independence

IFT is a fully remote, location-agnostic organisation – meaning that we don’t mandate the location where you should provide your services.

Being location independent means you could decide to move away from where you were first delivering your services, and that's okay. IFT can provide you with confirmation of a service engagement letter if you need it in the process of migrating abroad.

However, we will not cover the visa/work permit processing or relocation costs as we're location agnostic for work.

What happens if I'm thinking about relocating

Get in touch with your People Partner to start the discussion about your relocation plans. They will help with the preparation of all the necessary paperwork regarding your service agreement address amendment.

If you need supporting documents

If you need to indicate your working status/occupation details on a visa application, please contact your People Partner who can assist with the relevant information.

Please only refer to IFT as your employer if the DE/CH entity formally employs you. Otherwise, you should indicate that you are self-employed or providing services as a freelance contractor, as appropriate.