๐Ÿš€ Contributing to this guide

The Contributors Guide is an open living repo built for you. The truth is, the organisation evolves faster than it can keep the documentation updated. Read it carefully, and feel free to add sections, suggest changes, or make proposals for others to edit.

Here you'll find helpful guidelines on how to contribute to this guide and make it yours!

Note: You can start contributing only once access to the organisation is provided to you by people-ops. Prior to that, the github link will not be working.

๐Ÿ‘พ Contributing with pull requests

Whether you'd like to fix typos, update information, add sections, or build new content, you can create a pull request to contribute to the guide.

Our current workflow has two main branches: master that deploys to [contributors.free.technology](https://contributors.free.technology) and develop that deploys to [dev-contributors.free.technology](https://dev-contributors.free.technology).

Before creating a pull request, create a new branch from develop and commit your changes to one or multiple PRs. Once finished, assign someone from the People Ops team to review or comment on it. Once merged, we'll delete the branch, and you'll see your contributions on this handbook!

๐Ÿ“Œ Leaving feedback with issues

Issues open a world of possibilities: from proposing changes to simply dropping an idea or leaving comments or tasks.

There are a few ways to create an issue:

  • Go to the issues tab in the Contributor guide repo and create one.
  • From the source code of a file, click the + sign at the beginning of a line.
  • From a comment from a pull request, click reference in new issue.

Just like a PR, assign the issue to someone from the People Ops team, and we'll tag/re-assign it accordingly to address it.

The People Ops team is responsible for the maintenance of this guide, but it's really a collective effort. So please help us make it better for you and future readers!