⚓️ Code of Conduct

The Code of Conduct serves to establish guidelines on how to conduct your behaviour.

We are all responsible for maintaining and developing this shared environment. We want to have a common productive, collaborative, and socially accountable space.

We hope that all our community members share our views and nurture this spirit and culture in their dealings within the organisation and the wider community.

This code acts as both a courtesy to the overall organisation and an effective way of making your interactions with other core contributors mutually beneficial.

Familiarising yourself with the guidelines here is an essential precondition to your participation in our community.

This Code of Conduct governs how we behave in public or in private whenever the project will be judged by our actions. We expect it to be honoured by everyone who represents the project officially or informally, claims affiliation with the project, or participates directly.

Respect other users

IFT is about showing respect and humanity for one another: the word itself captures the spirit of social esteem in a human community. We want to grow a productive and agile place that can welcome new ideas in a complex field. We wish to improve every process in every development cycle and foster collaboration between groups with very different needs, interests, and skills.

We gain strength from diversity and actively seek participation from those who enhance it. This Code of Conduct exists to ensure that diverse groups collaborate to mutual advantage and enjoyment.


Nothing is more important than to show appreciation for every and anyone's contributions, no matter if big or small. We show reciprocation by saying "thank you," contributing ourselves, and paying it forward.

Be Considerate

Other people will use our work, and we, in turn, depend on the work of others. Any decision we take will affect users and core contributors, and we should consider them when making decisions.

When somebody leaves or disengages from the project, we ask that they do so in a way that minimises disruption to the project. They should tell people they are leaving and take the proper steps to ensure others can pick up where they left off.

Respect other core contributors

Core contributors have been chosen on a specific basis to have good judgement. Core contributors will always attempt to implement universally peaceful solutions but are tasked with establishing the most civil solution for the majority of the community.

Therefore, they cannot always please everyone with the decisions made. Please, help out to contribute to a healthy community.

Responsibility of actions

We can all make mistakes; when we do, we take responsibility for them. If someone has been harmed or offended, we listen carefully and respectfully and work together to resolve the problem. We expect those involved in the project to resolve disagreements constructively.

The participants in the project should be able to accept and give constructive criticism, be it positive or negative. That is how we learn to work better.


Uncivil behaviour will not be tolerated in our community. Sutton's "No Asshole Rule" has these concise pointers on the kind of behaviour that is considered uncivil:

Two tests are specified for recognition of the asshole.

  1. After encountering the person, do people feel oppressed, humiliated, or otherwise worse about themselves?
  2. Does the person target people who are less powerful than them?

Their unpleasant actions are catalogued as The Dirty Dozen:

  • Insults
  • Violation of personal space
  • Unsolicited touching
  • Threats
  • Sarcasm
  • Flames
  • Humiliation
  • Shaming
  • Interruption
  • Backbiting
  • Glaring
  • Snubbing

Feel Free to Ask

If there's something you don't know, do ask. Questions are encouraged.

Nobody is expected to be perfect in this community. Many newcomers just want to get acquainted with the project, so asking questions early avoids many problems later. The project is fast-paced and ever-evolving, so even people that have been around a long time might have questions. Those who are asked or answer a general question should be responsive and helpful. Directing people to the appropriate forums or channels is good, but answering the question is more important.

Be Collaborative

What we work together to produce is a complex whole made of many parts and is the sum of many dreams. Collaboration between projects that each have their own goal and vision is essential. To be efficient and effective, and for the whole to be more than the sum of its parts, each team must make an effort to understand the system as a whole.

Wherever possible, we work closely with other projects in the same space and others in the Ethereum community to coordinate our efforts. We prefer to work transparently and involve interested parties as early as possible. Collaboration at all levels improves the quality of our work, and we value it both internally and externally.

Discuss and Communicate

Our community values discussion, information, and decisiveness. We all lead by example, both in discussion and in action. We want to encourage new participants to feel empowered to take action, experiment when they feel like their innovation could improve the project, and lead.

Sometimes not all of the data is available to everyone or a consensus on how to act can't be reached, but a decision must still be made. Not every participant will always agree on everything, but once a decision is made, it should be respected, accepted, and work continued to achieve the common goal.

Give credit where credit is due

Some members may be more visible than others, but good ones use their visibility to highlight the great work of others. This may be accomplished in various ways, not limited to rewarding community members for their efforts.

Open Source Community

We invite any and everybody to participate in any aspect of the project. Our community is open, and any responsibility can be carried by any core contributor who demonstrates the required commitment, capacity, and competence.


Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behaviour may be reported by contacting the People Ops team at [email protected] or pinging your People Partner for a confidential chat.

All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The People Ops team is obligated to maintain confidentiality regarding the reporter of an incident.

Allegations of misconduct typically require some behind-the-scenes fact-checking to verify what happened. If you're involved in an incident of misconduct, you'll be asked for your observations and recollections of the event. People Ops will follow up with you to let you know the next steps.

Depending on the severity of the misconduct, this may be a formal warning, through to immediate termination of the relevant contract.


IFT creates software to be a public good and makes use of free and open-source licences in this regard. This ensures that the individuals and communities around it are its custodians. We choose not to exclude others from using, understanding, modifying, and distributing our work. In doing so, we trust one another to act in the best interests of the broader human community that IFT is designed to serve. This open-source licence holds the developers to account in the knowledge that the software is a common trust and that it is a privilege and a responsibility to continue to develop it.

The Code of Conduct is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license and has been adapted from the Ubuntu Code of Conduct v2.0, and the Contributor Covenant v1.4. You may re-use it for your project and modify it as you wish. Please allow others to use your modifications and give credit to Ubuntu, Contributor Covenant, and IFT.