Movement Guidelines

Movement to a different role within IFT offers many benefits. It is an important process that helps us keep valuable expertise within the organisation, allows core contributors to develop additional skills and enhances the strength and adaptability of our teams.

To ensure fair, transparent, and efficient movement to the new role, we have established the following guidelines for core contributors to follow:

Open Roles

All open roles can be found on our websites (IFT, Logos, Status) or by checking out the hiring channels in the Logos Discord and Status App. 

For more information regarding the requirements of any roles, we suggest contacting the Talent team directly rather than the hiring lead.

We believe in transparency and open communication between core contributors, team leads, and People Ops. Before applying for a different role, core contributors should discuss their interests with their current team lead and/or People Partner to evaluate their fit and motivations.

Eligibility Criteria

We expect a core contributor to meet at least the minimum required skills/attributes, which will be clearly described in the role’s description before applying.

Whilst we don’t have strict rules, as a general guideline, we’d expect someone to have contributed to their current project for 12 months before moving to a different team.

Application and Screening Process

All applications are carefully reviewed based on skills, experience and alignment with the role requirements.

The screening process varies depending on the role. Some roles may involve a few interviews and possibly a task. The process may be more extensive for other roles, typically including interviews with program leads and Co-Founders.

The hiring team will likely consult with a core contributor's current team lead to gain insights into their skillset, motivations, and team fit.

What happens if a core contributor successfully moves to a new team/project?

Congratulations! If the decision is favourable, together with the team leads and People Partners, a transition plan will be formed to move the core contributor to the new role. It is important to respect the current team by providing an extensive handover and allowing time for a backfill to be embedded. Overall, the goal is to ensure that the transition into the new internal role is as smooth and successful as possible, setting the core contributor up for success.

Is there a trial period for moves?

Whilst there is no official trial period, we consider the first 12 weeks within the new role as the trial. During this period, the team leads are encouraged to provide ongoing feedback, check in’s and support as necessary.