💻 Laptop and device logistics

First make sure that all devices (laptops and mobile phones) details are reflected in the Asset tab of BambooHR for record-keeping purposes, and that factory settings have been restored. To erase your laptop hard drive follow these instructions if you have Mac OS.

Once you have made a decision whether you are buying or returning your device, speak to your People Partner who can help facilitate the right paperwork for your offboarding.

Buying back your devices

The buyback value should be included on your last invoice to IFT, and can be deduced from your last service fee. We're using a 36-month useful life formula for laptops and mobiles to calculate the buy back value:

Purchase value - purchase value * contract duration / 36 months.

Laptop cost EUR 2,000 23 months ago
The buyback value is EUR 722
2000 - (2000*23/36)

Returning your devices back to IFT

Your devices could still be used by someone else at IFT so please check with your People Partner on how best to return your device prior to your last day.