🌟 Value-creating behaviours

🧘 Focus

Great ✅

  • Prioritising and deprioritising efforts correctly - most effort on the most important thing for IFT’ continuance
  • Translate theory into pragmatic decisions
  • Find ways to increase revenue

Not great ❌

  • Spending huge amounts of time on lower priority work
  • Getting sidetracked

🗣️ Good communication

Great ✅

  • Explaining clearly and calmly in text/Discord/ Status app
  • Asking questions and explanations
  • Good technical documentation
  • Answer timely/precisely/don’t let people hang (within async)
  • Giving feedback, timely
  • Asking for feedback, timely
  • Showing empathy

Not great ❌

  • Giving feedback months later/out of context
  • Not ‘daring’ to give direct feedback, but being critical to others behind their backs
  • Shipping things without seeking feedback
  • Jerky, impatient remarks in writing
  • Requests lacking context or clarity

🤝 Collaboration with projects

Great ✅

  • Supporting project rituals
  • Offering a hand/helping other core contributors
  • Helping new core contributors adjust to the project
  • Resolving tensions
  • Sharing knowledge
  • Improving internal processes
  • Flagging issues

Not great ❌

  • Going invisible
  • Not documenting what you’re working on
  • Delaying others’ work
  • Being late to meetings/project rituals

🤝 Collaboration across other projects

Great ✅

  • Cross-functional projects or ideas that can improve IFT as a whole
  • Reading/being active on channels outside of the immediate area of work
  • Supporting with events/community
  • Helping communication flow/easing misunderstandings
  • Replying to questions from other core contributors outside your project

Not great ❌

  • Remaining silent when someone from outside your project asks a question that you could answer
  • Relying on others in your project to communicate with folks outside your project.
  • Not reaching out to somebody outside your project when their expertise could be useful.


Great ✅

  • Picking up on things that need to happen, and jumping in to make them happen
  • Looking outside of what we’ve always done, taking inspiration from the wider world

Not great ❌

  • Waiting for instructions at all times
  • Raising issues without follow up action

💪 Productivity

Great ✅

  • Being accountable and responsible for your own results.
  • First things first - nail the basics of your role before branching out.
  • Keeping a consistent level of effort
  • Not + lines of code (mostly, the less lines of code needed to achieve the objective the better)
  • Overall contribution to project’s output (proportional to skill)

Not great

  • Bursts of efficiency when is most needed or visible/barely coasting the rest of the time
  • Getting sidetracked/spending excessive time on side ideas or projects/neglecting priorities.

👀 Visibility in (Ethereum) ecosystem

Great ✅

  • Speaking at events
  • Being an ambassador
  • Contributing to discussions on EIP and other ecosystem developments (Github, Discourse, Twitter, etc)

🛠️ Master own skill/speciality

Great ✅

  • Delivering your project or providing your services at the best of your ability
  • Always be learning
  • Striving for quality