💠 Offboarding

We’re sorry that you’re leaving the IFT and wish you the best of luck in your next endeavours ☘️ - thanks for everything you brought to IFT during the time we had together! 🙌

Your People Partner will help facilitate this process with various other stakeholders such as your project lead, Legal and Finance.

There's a lot to do before you leave so please follow the steps assigned to you in BambooHR and outlined below:

⏬ Logistics

Your People Partner will agree on a final date with you which you’ll be providing your services. Generally, this will align with the notice period mentioned in your (services) agreement. If you have any concerns about being able to wrap up your work in progress during the notice period available, please let your People Partner know, who’ll be happy to help you.

  • Bamboohr offboarding checklist

    The offboarding process will be initiated in BambooHR. Please go through the checklist and complete all tasks assigned to you.

  • Letter of Termination

    Your People Partner will share a confirmation of termination with you, confirming your last day of service with IFT.

  • Offboarding Agreement

    This document will be sent to you via Juro once your last day and asset buyback / return is confirmed. Please kindly sign this document and keep a copy for your records.

  • Returning or buying back devices

    Check out this guide to finalise purchasing or returning any IFT-owned devices.

  • Last invoice & Expenses

    Please submit your final invoice & expense report within one day of your final working day. Send your final invoice to [email protected]. Your final invoice should include any equipment buybacks and expenses.

  • Verify your payment details in BambooHR are accurate

    This will be how your final invoice and expenses are settled so make sure it's correct!

  • Handover & transferring responsibilities

    Share any ongoing work/files/deliverables with your project. You should transfer ownership of any critical documents so that these don’t get deleted when your accounts are closed. Transfer your routine tasks and responsibilities within your project and draft a handover document to share with your project lead.

  • Announcing your departure

    We’d like to be transparent with all core contributors when someone leaves the project. Please post a goodbye message, or let People Ops know if you’d prefer that they post a general departure message on your behalf (this won’t share any personal details, but will confirm that you are not going to be around, along with your expected last day). You may also want to ping fellow core contributors within other projects directly to let them know about your departure.

  • Forthcoming IFT travel

    Should you have any future IFT-sponsored travel/conference arrangements in place, please cancel them and obtain a refund for your bookings if possible. Expenses will only be reimbursed for non-refundable travel bookings. Cancellation fees (where incurred) can be added to your final expense report for reimbursement (please attach proof of payment).

  • Private keys

    If you have any hardware related to IFT wallets or bank accounts (e.g. Ledgers, Trezors, security keys), mnemonic phrases, or any other resource granting you access to (or control of) IFT's funds (fiat or crypto), please make arrangements with @finance to return them.

  • Access to organisation-wide tools

    Access will be revoked by 5pm UTC on your final day. If you need longer to wrap up, please let your People Partner know. Tools including BambooHR, Google, Notion, Github, Bitwarden etc.

  • Passwords

    Please clear your password vault of any passwords relating to tools/software licences belonging to IFT.

  • Tools

    If you have access to any tools/software specific to your role, please liaise with your project to close out your access.

  • Contact details

    Please check your BambooHR profile to verify that we have the correct email and postal address for you (in case we need to contact you in future about something related to your time with us).

  • Letter of reference

    We’ll be happy to provide a specific (i.e addresses to a specific person or organisation) letter of reference confirming your contributions to IFT. Should you ever need a reference letter, please email [email protected] at any time, and we’ll get a letter to you within 5 - 10 working days.

"Offboarding" chats

We're not a traditional organisation, but we try to hold 'offboarding' chats with every departing core contributor. This chat is a chance for you to reflect on your time with us, and share your feedback on your experience. The feedback we collect from these interviews will be used to improve the way we work with contributors moving forward.

We’ll share your feedback with relevant project members we think may benefit from hearing your reflections. If you’d prefer the conversation to be 100% private, that’s totally ok - just let us know what you’re comfortable with being shared further.

Feel free to prepare notes in advance, or send us your feedback async if you’d prefer. We're happy to converse via voice/video/text.

Coming back?

We’re open to working with former core contributors again, and we’d consider each situation on an individual basis. As IFT develops capabilities for permissionless participation, our role as a gatekeeper to contribution will fall away, and anyone (former core contributor or not) will be free to contribute to IFT.

We hope to see you again in the community or ecosystem! It's been a blast and know that you will always be missed!


Please ping your People Partner or ask in the #people-ops channel For any invoice/expenses questions, please ping the finance team in the #finance channel.