
Basics Tutorial

Superset is an open-source data exploration and visualization platform powered by Apache Superset. It provides a user-friendly interface for data analysts and business users to interact with their data and create interactive visualizations, charts, and dashboards. With Superset, users can connect to various data sources, including databases, and more, to explore and analyze their data in a visually appealing and intuitive manner. Superset offers a wide range of visualization options, such as bar charts, line charts, maps, and heatmaps, allowing users to gain valuable insights and make data-driven decisions. It also supports the use of filters and drill-down capabilities to dive deeper into the data. Overall, Superset empowers users to effectively explore and communicate their data through interactive and dynamic visualizations.

Step 1: Accessing Superset

  • Open your web browser and enter the URL Superset is hosted.
  • Enter your Github username and password to log in to Superset. If this is your first time using Superset it will create a brand new user for you
  • If this is your first time, you'll need access to dashboards you need. You can contact laloanaya through discord or at [email protected] to get access to these resources.

Step 2: Exploring the Superset Home Page

  • After logging in, you'll be directed to the Superset home page.
  • The home page contains a menu bar at the top and various sections with options to explore dashboards.

Step 3: Navigating the Menu Bar

  • The menu bar at the top provides different options for managing and exploring data.
  • Click on the "Dashboards" option in the menu bar to access the available dashboards.

Step 4: Viewing a Dashboard

  • On the Dashboards page, you'll see a list of available dashboards.
  • Click on the name of the dashboard you want to visualize.

Step 5: Interacting with Filters (if available)

  • If the dashboard has filters, you can interact with them to refine the displayed data.
  • Look for filter options on the dashboard interface, such as drop-downs, sliders, or text inputs.
  • Select the desired options or adjust the filters as necessary.

Step 6: Exploring the Dashboard

  • Once the filters are set (if applicable), explore the dashboard to view the visualizations.
  • The dashboard will display various charts, graphs, and data visualizations relevant to the chosen topic.

Step 7: Analyzing the Dashboard

  • Take time to analyze and interpret the visualizations on the dashboard.
  • Pay attention to trends, patterns, and any insights the data may reveal.
  • Use the interactive elements (if available) to drill down into specific data points or explore different dimensions.

Step 8: Navigating Between Dashboards (if applicable)

  • If there are multiple dashboards available, you can navigate between them using the menu or designated links.
  • Go back to the Dashboards page or use the provided navigation options to switch between different dashboards.

Requesting Changes or New Dashboard

  • If you need to request changes to an existing dashboard or create a new one, please reach out to Lalo Anaya.
  • You can contact Lalo Anaya through Discord by sending a message to his username (laloanaya) or email him at [email protected].
  • Clearly communicate your requirements, including the specific changes or details for the new dashboard you would like to create.
  • Lalo will assist you in making the necessary updates or work with you to design and develop a new dashboard based on your needs.

That's it! You've now learned how to access Superset, navigate the home page, view dashboards, interact with filters (if available), explore the visualizations, and analyze the data presented on the dashboards. Enjoy exploring the insights provided by the visualizations! If you have questions or suggestions you can contact laloanaya through discord or at [email protected]